Walga Rock

Walga Rock

Walga Rock near Cue in WA’s Goldfields

Walga Rock near Cue in WA’s Goldfields

Walga Rock lies 48 kilometres west of Cue in WA’s Goldfields. It’s one of Australia’s largest granite monoliths Of huge cultural and spiritual significance, the rock faces feature incredible, well-preserved Aboriginal art. Strangely amongst the art is a depiction of a sailing boat, drawn in white ochre. Its origins remain a mystery but there’s stories that it may have been drawn by a shipwreck survivor who had ended up a few hundred kilometres from the coast…or perhaps it was created by an Afghan cameleer who was showing his Wajarri friends what he had seen.

Eric adding colour to Cue

Eric adding colour to Cue

Nallan Station Stay

Nallan Station Stay